Bollywood actress Mallika Sherawat’s new item song Razia gundo mein phas gayee in the Anees Bazmee’s movie ‘Thank You’ has been boasted as the next big thing in Bolywood after Munni Badnaam and Sheila Ki Jawani. Still, most people who have had a glance of the promos, which begins rising last weekend, are rather let down with the picturisation. In spite of Mallika Sherawat’s presence, the song- composed through Pritam. Neither Mallika’s energy from the movie Dabangg-hit song Munni Badnaam, nor does it have the Katrina kaif’s effortless oomph from the movie Tess Maar Khan’s song Sheila Ki Jawani.
Razia has been sung through playback singer Ritu Pathak- a former Indian Idol contestant and Master Saleem. It has been written through rising lyricist Ashish Pandit. Item songs are help in the marketing of a movie in its pre-release stage. They develop hype for the movie and grab eyeballs. The trouble with the song Razia is that, though the song is a winner, the makers have failed to do justice with the song the spirit and mood of the item.
This item number looks like any routine item song. Unfourtunately, the makers of the movie Thank You look to be unaware of this. Of cource, half of the battle is won just because of Mallika Sherawat’s presence. Razia marks the return of Mallika Sherawat on the silver screen after a long time, so the expectations are so high.
Mallika left for an unsuccessful Hollywood tryst after her back to back movie release in the year 2008- Ugly Aur Pagli and Maan Gaye Mughall-e-Azam flopped. Mallika required a bang to return to Bollywood. Razia is hardly the song that can assure it.
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